For instance, one 16 oz can of Celsius contains 200mg of caffeine, while a can of their HEAT product contains 300mg of caffeine. (function(){function k(a){if(!a)return{};var d=a.split("_");return 7!=d.length? Caffeine is the main ingredient in energy drinks that boost our energy levels and increase our alertness. (q[x]=r(I[1],window.thrprd9appSessionObject),w=!0):"thrprd9P3P"==I[0]&&(q[x]="thrprd9P3P="+C,B=!0))}v||(q[q.length]=k("",window.thrprd9appSessionObject));w||(q[q.length]=r("",window.thrprd9appSessionObject));B||(q[q.length]="thrprd9P3P="+C);C=q.join("; ");n.celebrusCookies=C}v=n.siteCookies;C=b(n.celebrusCookies);if(l.lengthc.length){var d=(new Date).valueOf();return b.sessionNumber+"_"+d+"_"+d+"_"+b.loadBalancerId+"_"+b.sessionKey}c[0]=b.sessionNumber;c[3]=b.loadBalancerId;c[4]=b.sessionKey;return c.join("_")}catch(f){return thrprd9Logger.debug("updateSessionCookieWithAppDetails",f),a}}function r(a,b){return b&&b.uvt?b.uvt:""}function C(){for(var a=w(), Caffeine also may harm childrens still-developing cardiovascular and nervous systems. In addition, the sugar content can cause cavities and Dangers Associated With Energy Drinks. return thrprd9 + "Sn=" + sessionNum + "&" + thrprd9 + "Sk=" + sessionKey + "&" + thrprd9 + "Lb=" + loadBalancerId + "&" + thrprd9 + "Rt=" + rtId; When placed in the context of the human body, consumption of these beverages has been linked to improper beating of the heart, cardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle which makes it difficult for the heart to pump blood), increased blood pressure, and other heart conditions. A 21-year old university student developed heart failure after "excessive" consumption of energy drinks, a new report suggests. They may also be packaged as concentrated shots, like the 5-Hour Energy products. Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M Researchers Discover Energy Drinks Harmful Effects On Heart, By Margaret Preigh, Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Veterinary Integrative Biosciences (VIBS) Department, published in Food and Chemical Toxicology, Test To Detect Preeclampsia Earlier In Pregnancy In Development At Texas A&M, Researchers Identify Breakthrough In Understanding Fentanyl Abuse, New Technology Shows Promise For Safer Cancer Therapy, Exercise Has A Direct Role In Fighting Breast Cancer, Finds Texas A&M Study, Texas A&M Researchers Receive $5M For Department Of Energy Project, Alzheimers Study Links Cholesterol And Toxic Protein Clusters. Pancreatitis and heart problems are the most common causes of left side chest pain after eating or drinking. function(){return"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[x]/g,function(a){return(16*Math.random()|0).toString(16)})};"undefined"!=typeof a&&"undefined"!=typeof a.getRandomValues&&(window.thrprd9generateUUID=function(){var d=new Uint16Array(8);a.getRandomValues(d);var e=function(a){for(a=a.toString(16);4>a.length;)a="0"+a;return a};return""+e(d[0])+e(d[1])+e(d[2])+e(d[3])+e(d[4])+e(d[5])+e(d[6])+e(d[7])});window.thrprd9windowId="_"+(new Date).getTime()+"0.
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